Do women care about height in dating?

Read more carefully. You're overpersonalizing it.

Never said you were. Then I said what neurotypicals would see (implying if you're neurotypical, you'd see it too). Then I broke it down for the non-neurotypicals... plural... not necessarily directed at you. This isn't a DM. You're not the only reader here.

This forum is full of people who are not neurotypical, who then take statements out of context or assume it's a scientific claim meant to apply 100% of the time, then retorting with inane replies. Some of them need the caveats spelled out, even if they're common sense to most. I spelled them out to preempt future comments.

Also, there’s not a single reason women lie. That’s the whole point. That’s what my first comment expressed.

Your first comment claimed the reason women lie is to protect their image as pure beings.

I claimed women (most not all) tend to lie in this specific context (rejecting men) to avoid backlash. Men also lie to women for the same reason...

Im not joking when I’m saying that your aggressive dickish tone is the best argument for the “backlash theory”.

Does it occur to you that was done to prove a point?

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