Women of color of /r/askwomen, what is it like dating a white guy? Did you have any problems from e.g. other people, family? Stories about multi-racial dating also welcome from all women.

I'm a white lady. I've dated a few Native Americans, an African, an Egyptian, a Mexican, a Chilean, a Nigerian, an Israeli, a Vietnamese guy and several Indians from all over India, and also several white Americans, from a variety of religious backgrounds. What can I say... I'm definitely attracted to brown men with dark hair. Some of them were born here and have similar culture, others have been here for just a few years. Some were only a few dates, others were months or years long relationships. Most of the ones that grew up outside of the US are a little more traditionally masculine and a lot more communicative than the Americans. They are also usually very intelligent guys who are goal oriented (not due to their race, just the circumstances that bring them here). When I was young my father told me he would disown me if I ever married a black guy... I was totally stunned because he had never really expressed any racist sentiments before that. My mother is fine with it, but occasionally gets worried that I'm associating with terrorists, which is only amusing. Friends are always pretty supportive unless they dont like them for personal reasons, but I've had a few people tell me that I need to stick to white boys. I've always been accepted by the families of my long term partners, probably because I am interested in and respectful of their culture, but honestly most of the relationships have been short term either due to logistical issues (a lot of moving for jobs), or because they are not ready to settle down/terrified to introduce a white lady to their parents OR want to get married immediately (one wanted me to convert and wear a Hijab... that's never happening). It's complicated more by the fact that I'm a widow and a mother, and by the fact that I'm in "career mode" and have no particular interest in settling down just for the sake of it, although I'd be interested with the right person.

/r/AskWomen Thread