Women condition in india has only worsened by time instead of improving

We shouldn't expect conditions for women to improve with time. Time as a metric only matters if policy and decision makers a) agree things need to change b) persistently work towards the change. And let's be clear- these are systemic issues that need govt support.

The overall attitude of the current admin has been paternalistic and they have shown no interest in the goals you listed.

To be fair, there have been improvements in the last ~20yrs. Dowry deaths were rampant in the 80s. Kitchen accidents, they called it. Perceptions around women working outside or late shifts have also changed. The working woman is not treated as promiscuous for simply being around men. Conversations around professional behavior have improved. However, none of these happened magically. This is really the result of persistent feminist effort. Lot of orgs and activists rallied to make the change, shape the conversation.

The improvements create a false sense of security. Enough that the 'f' word has gotten sullied in recent years. If we open our eyes, it's clear that progress has been non-uniform and precarious. There is a long way to go.

If we want change, we can't slouch- even if favorable policy makers get elected. It is natural for public attention to wax and wane, which is why we should continue to talk about it. Ideally, 'we', would be all stakeholders- men and women. Perhaps that will yet happen. I live in hope.

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