Women dont want less sex than men. They want less sex with YOU

All these incels in the comments, which is it? Us women sleep around with 50 + men by the time we hit 20 or that we barely ever initiate or like to have sex???

I'm tired of men telling me how I live my life directly to my face when they don't even know my life. We are people, we are all individuals, and individuals makes choices based on their circumstances. I like sex, but I don't sleep around with 100+ guys and I also don't go after what people typically consider "high value men" and I am conventional attractive. I like personality, nothing gets my turned on more. Sorry. I don't care about looks, success. I care about personality, and there was actually a study done showing how woman on average value personality more than men, so I am not alone.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread