Women and feminism aren’t ruining anything...you just can’t get laid.

the attention women get is ridiculous. a youtube video with a chubby 3/10 girl will have loads of comments with hundreds of likes of "wow am I the only one who finds this girl really beautiful'?

THey go on dating apps and have hundreds of guys to choose from while men have very few to choose from. Me and my sister both use it and she shows me hers, it's insane the amount of messages she gets. I'm betting looking than her and very fit. She's a bit chunky with nothing into bio but " i like cats, reading etc". I give a detailed BIO and talking with women is insufferable. when i talk with them they always respond with nothing to respond to. You ask them a question and they just answer it as lightly as possible without adding a bit to the conversation. Why do all these women match me but can't muster up a bit more of a conversation?

But whatever, i can't have an opinion because apparently i'm just "bitter". lol, whiteknights going to white knight i guess.

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