Women In The FGC (A Mild Rant)

100% agree, and this goes for all ‘minority’ groups. When you make a deal about a minority then the messaging will always be that one group is above the other. Another similar grievance I have is the idea of ‘white guilt’, that a white person has to openly express feeling bad of having more privilege? Like what the fuck. Ideas like this just further maintain the status quo of inequality. If people wanted true equality then they wouldn’t be making a big deal about all this. FGC is a good example of a community that lets all races in without acknowledge it, same with different sexual orientations and whatnot, same with females; but it’s when they make a big deal about ‘female gamers’ in which it continues the notion that for whatever reason female gamers are somehow handicapped in tournament. TLDR I get where you’re coming from, it’s annoying, and the same thing happens in the wider society.

/r/Kappa Thread