Women, do you guys wear thongs all the time or just sometimes?

its because i am insecure about this. i am a guy who wears thongs secretly and the only time i can confess it to people is on here. i never tell friends or family. I am a dude so i get curious about how girls feel in thongs like if its uncomfortbale or do they like it. because i like wearing it and at first i was uncomfortable wearing them in public places because it made me feel like i was going to get caught wearing it or something. I just was trying to pick the mind of a girl about it to see what they think. i apologize because it came off a bit weird and pervy but i didnt mean it that way. i just was asking way too much questions. i shouldnt have done so. i just want someone out there to relate to me and help me understand this thong wearing habit of mine. that is why i do not tell people much about it since i fear they might think im weird for wearing them and weird for asking them if they wear thongs too

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