To women in heterosexual relationships, is your boyfriend/husband a feminist ally?

Hoping this doesn't get down voted, but one of the best ways to get men who are close to you to be open to radical feminist ideas is to open up a personal conversation asking him about his experience of MALE sex role expectations, men's issues relating to gender, and how he feels about and experiences those. That sets the stage to also exchange empathy. This is your boyfriend after all, not just some man you're trying to educate. I think talking person to person is almost always better than throwing theory and jargon at people. I have lot of experience doing this with my ex boyfriend(s) as they were very gnc. Also just utilizing communicating and persuasion skills in general comes into play as a lot of men don't engage or spend time thinking about women's issues because they.... Are not women. I'm not saying that's a good thing but honestly I think a lot of women hit a wall with men because they see the lack of "being into women's issues" as a flaw in him when really I think most men aren't because they are focused on groups they belong to. it can help to ask him his opinions on things and be prepared to hear the real answer and dialogue from there.

/r/GenderCritical Thread