Women hook up with only the top guys because hooking up would be completely *useless* otherwise.

Since this is cmv, I will try to change your view here.

While I can see how "thrilling" and "the chase" is good for hooking up, I don't see how validation should only be be a thing if you got it only from peak performing men.

Why not think of hooking up as a form of investment in yourself? Think of this for a moment, instead of just blindly accepting 80/20 hypergamy standards, why not promote for a more 60/40 standards? This way, women can still have their share of fun, men get to have considerably less fun, but fun nonetheless, and once they all had their share of fun, they could move on and live the boring life that they longed for later.

Well, what do you I mean by investment in this instance? By that I mean, encouraging women to go after average men too and having an open mind about their capabilities. This way, the average men have a chance to hone their sexual skills and getting better at it and offering better experiences to women. I mean, if you look at the stats, one of the biggest complaints that sexually active women complain about is the lack of orgasms they experience. Because men are competitive by nature, they get to prove themselves sexually too the same way they are expected to be breadwinners in the past and present.

Chads don't have to care about her orgasms because he practically has a haram in his fingetips, so 80/20 standards is only good for the initial chase or high, and beyond that, its not all that good for them psychologically speaking. As evidenced by studies showing how high n count is indicative of underlying psychological issues.

This way, women can still get what they want in their young as well as their post wall years.

If my suggestion is too unreasonable, then remember: The current scenario is no better for women either. Just like how society is trying hard and hard to ignore the rising sexlessness among men, the same society is fostering a situation where the average age of marriage is basically 30 years today. How the fuck are these ladies who are coddled by the access to chads for 10 years going to suddenly find a marriagable partner, date them first, AND have kids by that point when they are closer to post wall age? Rising involuntary singlehood among is going to another diseaster in the making that will cause huge problems in the future...

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread