So women hurting men isn’t abuse?

Feminists lobbied aggressively for the Violence Against Men Act That's right. Not a single feminist lobbied for the Violence Against Men Act. Really, it was amazing they could organise the boycott so well.

You're a hilarious boob! You think that some feminists lobbied for the Violence Against Men Act! Not one single feminist supported the Violence Against Men Act in any way. Not one. In any way. This is an indisputable fact.

And feminists admit men to domestic violence shelters, right

That's right, all domestic violence abuse shelters are run by members of the Feminists. I think they're all owned by Tumblr or something.

Maybe I tend to be overly derisive of people who criticise "feminism" since it so often feels like a dogwhistle for misogyny or a way of attacking women's rights.

What women's rights does your kooky imagination tell you are under attack?!

There's also the fact that, in my experience, the meat of the complaint is about people on social media that have expressed "men-hating sentiments", as if that in any way undercuts the goal of or issues dealt with feminism or removes the need for it as a movement.

There is no need for any form of sexism or bigotry, including feminism.

I've even seen people claimed that sexism is solved and feminism is just women trying to keep men down, which boggles my fucking mind.

Feiminsm is women trying to keep men down, by defending and expanding pussy privileges exclusive to women and girls.

I'm male, and I see the kind of shit women in society have to deal with daily - and I live in a pretty progressive country.

What rights do you see that men have in the US that women don't? Lol. What rights do men have that women don't in your progressive country?

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