Women Involved At All Levels Of Kavanaugh Scandal Receiving Threats

I worked as a waitress for a while. A coworker constantly grabbed my ass and other parts. I didn't tell anyone because he had a kid. I didn't want to ruin the kid's life. The guy eventually got fired.

A one-legged customer would frequently come in with his wife. He was pretty gross when she was with him, but she would at least stand up for me. I tried telling management that this old fuck was constantly talking about performing oral sex on me when I waited on him. They still sat him in my section. One day, he came in with a male friend. No wife that time. He asked what I was doing that Friday night. I told him I was hanging out with my boyfriend. He said to tell my boyfriend to fuck off because his wife was having surgery and I'd be spending all night with him. I refused to ever wait on him again.

And in retail. A customer once smacked my ass. An old man. I told my manager. We had cameras. She said I would never have to work with him again. She lied. She did try to tell him I wasn't in. He would wait. She said she couldn't keep me off the floor for an hour because of it. No one checked the cameras. I went to the DM about it. I had to work with that guy four more times. He would grab and hold my hands. I got fired from that job and it was the best day of my life.

One night I was walking home and a car full of guys followed me. Yelling gross shit until I'd ignored them enough. Then they threatened to kill me! Fun times.

There's so much more. I've had worse happen. Much worse.

And I'm not an attractive woman.

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