Women of Overwatch: Do you experience much sexism while playing?

I've been playing since launch, not sure how many hours. Harassment happens, but it's not as awful comparatively as in other games I've played - and I think that's more to do with a working report system and steps Blizzard is taking to clean up toxicity in general. It's made a lot of people think twice, and I see a lot of "we took action on your report" messages that make me feel kinda like someone has my back here.

Because of that, it's mostly casual sexism in this game's community that makes me feel uncomfortable - stuff guys share with other guys in a friendly manner, stuff that was "just jokes", the misogyny aimed at female heroes just when discussing them. You might have more luck asking in /r/ggoverwatch or /r/girlgamers, these sorts of threads on this sub usually get swarmed by dudes gaslighting and condescending to women and the mods aren't any help.

/r/Overwatch Thread