Women Owe Almost $400 Billion More in Student Debt Than Men. You Can Blame That on the Patriarchy.

Forgive all student loan debt

I hate to disillusion you, but that was never part of their real agenda. You don't pass legislation to make student loan debt absolutely impossible to declare bankruptcy from if your end goal is seriously to forgive all the debt.

The whole "debt forgiveness" part of that platform is like an attempt to reframe murder as well-intentioned surgery. "Your honor, slitting his throat may have looked like a murder attempt, but the truth is that this gentleman was going into convulsions and I had to give him an emergency tracheotomy! Sadly, he expired halfway through the procedure. I took his wallet afterwards because I was looking for his insurance card so that I could bill them the costs of my medical services."

/r/Drama Thread Parent Link - glamour.com