Women or recovered nice guys: what advice would you pass along to nice guys to tell them that their personality toward women/dating needs to change for the better?

Don't put women or (are their gay niceguys? what a rare specimen) or whatever person you're in to on a pedestal. Don't idealize them as these supreme, perfect beings. They're not trophies, they're people like you. They have families and pick their nose and shit.

And, honestly, interactions with people isn't like putting in to a coin in a gumball machine. You're not supposed to do something nice and expect something nice to happen to you. It doesn't work like that. If you're friends with a lady, you're friends and that's just about it.

Would you advise them to be nice to women without expecting anything in return, that good gestures leave good impressions but expecting rewards for said behavior ruins the impression?

When it comes to dealing with people you like, the less entitled an attitude you have, the more they'll like you.

Would you tell them that it's normal to want to attract women, but that most women generally frown upon their behavior to attract women? What else? If I'm way off on this, please let me know.

Of course it's normal to be attracted to someone. That's fine. I don't know if it's true that most women necessarily frown on being flirted with, though. This is one of those sensitive things that doesn't have a definite, hard answer. This is one of things that you have to have good people skills for. If you're flirting with a woman, you need to be able to pick up--and quickly--whether or not she's digging it. Positive response=go for it(unless she's married or in a committed relationship)! Negative response=back off, and nicely. Recognize that you crossed a line and do damn well to not cross it again. Mixed signals? That's a tough one. As a woman who is in to other women, I've always erred on the side of caution and let them make the next move. If you're cool with her friends, probe around and get some intel on her and what she's in to.

/r/niceguys Thread