Women of reddit, what about men baffles you the most?

That's the thing, though, just because it isn't a big deal to you doesn't mean it's a big deal to us. If it's something REALLY small, yeah, that's silly to get dramatic over. But I can admit when I'm being over emotional and dramatic, but that doesn't mean that I myself am crazy.

You're right, that doesn't make you crazy. It's also great that you can apologize when you realize you've over reacted to a situation. The thing is though, that if you have enough over emotional and dramatic episodes over tiny things then you undermine yourself for when you get angry for a legitimate reason. If you go into a blind rage over something trivial you kind of ruin your credibility. Apologizing is great but every time you snap over something minor it gets really hard for guys to take you seriously when there is a real issue that needs to be taken care of.

If you are having a really bad day and end up crying over the toilet seat being up and apologize the next day for being dramatic then we don't know if we should take your rage, in other situations, as legitimate or you "Just having a bad day".

so for a guy to assume that just because I'm crying over something he said or did to hurt me I'm now "unpredictable" and going to do something "crazy" is a bit insulting.

It is insulting but women being more emotional (again more generalizations but that's what this thread is all about) does make you unpredictable and sometimes we're not sure if the anger is real or is just another thing that you are going to wake up tomorrow and say "Sorry honey, I was just having a rough day". This is why you sometimes feel like your emotions don't matter. If a girl has too many of those overly dramatic days it gets really easy for guys to just call them crazy.

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