Women of Reddit, what’s the most “crazy girlfriend” thing you’ve ever done?

I’ve posted about this guy in other subs before, he seriously messed me up so here goes.

Cheated on me multiple times, with prostitutes and maybe other women (most likely hook ups) Hit me for months and told everyone I was bipolar and crazy when I told them Made fun of me and invited people over to call me ugly and make fun of me with him Broke my things Told people in my family that I was a dirty slut with acne all over my body and stds Tells everyone he knows about his “crazy ex” who used to “make up stories” about him (see above) Told everyone I cheated on him, making anything I say look like “he said she said” bullshit Told everyone the std and acne thing Told everyone I spend all of my spare time sitting in my house masturbating Called me a 2/10

I spent the majority of our relationship in anxiety and crying over being bullied and hated by EVERYONE. I kept asking him if he wanted to break up and he’d say no. When I broke up with him he’d beg me to come back, then the abuse would start up again. I finally got the nerve to break up with him, and he tells me I’m trash and tells everyone he dumped me. So I finally exploded.

I threw out all of his shit. He’s a painter, I threw out all of his paintings. I broke some in half. I stole half of them and they’re in my room. I left eggs all over his room to rot. I poured cat litter on his bed.

To this day, no one believes anything he did to me. Everyone thinks I’m the crazy ex. I don’t care. I don’t date anymore. I fucking hate people.

/r/AskReddit Thread