Women of Reddit, what is something that men will never understand?

Sometimes this makes me incredibly stressed out, especially on the days when I come to believe it. I lie awake, finding it hard to breathe: What good am I? Beyond sex and appearance and anything to do with children/nurturing (which has never come naturally to me), what fucking good am I? We're physically weaker (in most cases), men would dominate us in most sports, rarely would most of us win in a fight, and while it's only been a few decades that we've had access, we're still not making up equal numbers in STEM fields (the areas that our society values the most), jobs that should include women (police, doctors, judges, etc.) continue to cast a critical eye on their female members, men are "fixers" and women are "feelers" and one is clearly more valued than the other, people are still arguing furiously that women are intellectually inferior, or that while an intelligent woman might be smarter than a 100 men, there will always be 50 more smarter men. Men make history, women disappear in it.

Even when it comes to the things that we are considered naturally good at, there's still a shit ton of people telling you that it's not good enough: "women are too emotional and want to talk feelings all the time; they never get shit done", "100 reasons written by Redditors on why soccer moms are just the worst", "single moms are the reason why society is degenerating; a child needs their father to stay in line/grow into a functional adult lest they enter into a life of crime." I get so depressed when I come to believe this shit; this idea that I will never be good enough. It's even worse considering that I'm not that physically strong, I have average intelligence and an average appearance, and I likely would not make an ideal mother. What good am I? Logically I know that men are incredibly flawed creatures and are in no way superior to women, but the shit society values is the shit that they tend to hold (whatacoincidence). There is a lot of disparaging of women on Reddit, and often I'll have to take a break from it just so I won't hate myself. It sounds silly and I don't mean to sound dramatic (another shitty female stereotype that I feel compelled to apologize for), but it does weigh on me to a sometimes unbearable degree.

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