Women of Reddit, what type of male behavior dries you up like the Sahara?

Power tripping. This isn't necessarily a male trait, but there is clearly a divide on how men and women are raised and men are taught to be powerful in order to get what they want while women are taught to be sweet to get what they want. Of course, there are variations - none of this is a fact across the board for everyone, but this is true much if not most of the time. That said, some women definitely power trip but it comes so naturally to most men as they are raised to believe that is their big advantage to play: being powerful. Leads to a lot of overconfident men power tripping on people - often without even realizing it because they think they are just being strong and confident - like a man should be and if you can't hack it, you're just weak. Or if annoys a woman, we women are just weak and emotional so we are perceiving confidence as power tripping so that it's our responsibility to change our reactions to the behavior instead of their responsibility to not be a power tripping asshole.

I like to think it's not their fault they are like that, but it is their fault if they refuse to accept that they do that and refuse to change.

/r/AskReddit Thread