Women of Reddit, what's your story of 'The One that got away'? [SERIOUS]

I met him through a friend during spring break. We were just casual friends at first. We lived in different cities so it's not like we ever hung out after spring break. Talked every now and then through Twitter and Facebook and whatnot. I wasn't that attracted to him when we first met. After about a year, somehow our talking became flirting. I visited his town where I had plenty of other friends who went to the same college, and noticed he was becoming quite attractive (lost weight, got a better hair cut, started dressing better). After that, we started flirting all the time when we talked online. I developed ridiculous feelings for him, even though we never saw each other in person. Finally after about another year, I visited his town and stayed with him and we finally got together. This was after 1.5-2 years of liking him. We started "talking," but it was hard to keep things going since we lived a 5 hour drive apart. He was supposed to come visit me a few weeks later, but then kind of bailed at the last minute without telling and I didn't talk to him for awhile after that since I was upset. Communication was not his strong suit and we both had some flaws that made me realize we weren't right for each other, despite our chemistry. He ended up moving to NYC, which is even further away from me. The long distance would've gotten to us eventually even if we even did start a real relationship. We started talking again after a little while and returned to being somewhat friends. I saw him about a year later when I went to NYC on a trip and it was fine. Not awkward at all and I was dating someone at the time anyway. I still thought about him a lot and though "what if" because I had the strongest feelings for him out of anyone I've ever dated/had a fling with/etc.

Anyway, I noticed he was actually kind of a dick sometimes. He has a very dry sense of humor and he could take it too far sometimes. I realized that it would've driven me mad after a certain point. So yes, I often thought he was the one that got away, but then I realized I'm probably better off without him.

/r/AskWomen Thread