Why do women stay away from men who went or go to hookers?

Why do women stay away from men who went or go to hookers?

For some women, it goes against their beliefs and values. For instance, if you're particularly religious, you may see sex as something that's supposed to be shared between two people who love each other, so it's hard for these type of women to wrap their mind around the concept of paying for sex, it doesn't feel real or natural to them.

Second reason is that many women associate prostitution with sex trafficking, especially here in the United States where it is illegal in most parts of the country. And the only time you ever hear about prostitution in the media is if it involves a sex-trafficking case and especially with a minor involved. As a result, this colors the perception of how people view prostitution in general and explains why many people are against it.

Another reason is that prostitution is seen as something that is socially unacceptable in our society.

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