Women who are generally considered attractive, how accurate is Reddit's assessment of how great your life is?

I should post this anonymously but I won't. When I was younger I got a lot of special treatment because of my looks. I don't even think I'm that attractive.. Maybe the way I presented myself? But here are some things that happened to me because of that and they may be relevant?

When I was 14 I met this horrible boy who used to make me manipulate others to get what we wanted. One of these was flirting with the guy at 7/11 for free ciggerettes. We would go there every Saturday, I would flirt, he would give us a deck of smokes. After about a month he followed me, pinned me to the wall and ripped open my shirt and tried to rape me. We managed to fend him off then ran and got help.

When I was 14 I also was commonly ages away from home at night with no way to get there. Taxi drivers commonly pulled over, took pity on me and offered drove me home for free. Taxi drivers less commonly demanded payment threw sex after I was at my destination. Everytime I got in a cab I would wind down the window so I could run away just in case. I stopped catching cabs after one of them chased me...

When I was 15 I had run away from home and it was cold. I forgot a jumper. I was sitting there shivering and this man approached me, he was old enough to be my dad, and he offered me his jumper and asked if I was ok. We talked for about 30 minutes, he seemed like he was being nice because he was worried. I let it slip how old I was and that I had a boyfriend. He screamed at me, took his jacket back and stormed off.

I have gotten out of heaps of train tickets in the past. I did get free stuff. I used to get a lot of male attention.. I would get talked to on on most trains I got on. And truth be told I ducking hated it. I cut off all my hair in the hope of being left the fuck alone. I don't think it's a attractive thing but more being attractive enough and how someone conducts themselves. Because I look pretty similar now then I did then but nothing like that ever happens anymore.

/r/AskWomen Thread