Women who found out you were not straight at later on (20+ year old). What’s your story?

I’ve known I’m attracted to girls since I was in early high school or maybe even earlier, but I just saw it as “girls are nice to look at” and would describe myself as “bi-curious” and “a 2 on the Kinsey scale” rather than actually identifying as bi.

It was very recently, about four months ago that I really fully realized/decided I am bisexual. I’m 24 and have dated multiple guys and had serious relationships with guys. I’ve always questioned that I might be bi but didn’t think I “qualified” until super recently and it’s been really nice embracing it.

A lot of what made me realize I’m actually bi were reading really validating things online. One point that stuck with me a lot is that you can be more attracted to males than females and vice versa and still be bi. It also really stuck with me that attraction to guys and girls can feel totally different. In retrospect I’ve had crushes on girls tons of times and am SUPER attracted to them, I’ve just never really considered it that way because it felt different (and therefore it didn’t feel “real”) than it felt with guys.

Anyway, it’s felt very nice fully realizing and embracing this part of my identity. I’m still not sure if I would ever be in a relationship with a girl but I’m still trying to figure myself out. It’s been a wild ride lately.

/r/AskWomen Thread