Women who refuse to date interacially or are hesitant about it, what is the reason why?

I dated a Japanese American once, looked Japanese, sounded completely American, and he had a very deep voice. We spent a good amount of time together after deciding to date after being friends for a little while. Met on MySpace. Yes awhile ago :) But, I never introduced my parents to him because of their comments regarding my little brother dating an African American. I was shocked. They dated awhile and my parents grew fond of her, but, yeah, I don't have anything against interracial dating, do what you want, but that was my only experience but if I'm attracted to you, I'm attracted to you, but I just happen to be attracted to white dudes. Just my thing. If your thing is another race, go for it. I totally am in support of it and hate when people are not. Love who you love, whatever sex, gender, color, race, etc :)

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