Women who were initially unattractive in their young/teen years, and then became attractive, how has the experience been?

I was bullied by both guys and girls in high school, and it was extra shitty because my school was grades 7-12 so I had 6 full years of dealing with these people. I had out of control, curly and dyed brown hair, not so nice skin, and a body that resembled a skeleton. I was a dancer most of high school so I was always very thin, but had absolutely no curve to my body. I had friends, but I was always dealing with the attractive/top of the pyramid bullies who would make up horrendous things about me or just laugh when I passed them in the halls. I was in AP classes, a band geek and a pothead so they had lots of stuff to target me for. This affected my romantic life the most, as no one really found me attractive and I'd watch my friends get hit on/have boyfriends throughout the majority of high school.

But then...

Then I got to college. I dyed my hair back to it's natural blonde color, went on BC (cue clear skin and boobs) and somehow developed curves. My hair naturally became more tame and because of all these changes my whole life improved in the strangest ways.

The girls in college envied me, which was an insane experience yet a pretty sad one since I've never wanted to make someone feel insecure. I never had a problem getting someones number and felt sort of invincible when it came to guys. If I wanted someone, I got them. I have never been more confident in my entire life.

Since I've graduated college I am a model now, my music career is moving along well with fans and admirers (some creepy but whatever) and I met a guy who is actually my first real boyfriend. We've been together for 3 years now.

People treat me differently. I am given compliments whenever I go out and receive more male attention than I did in my entire high school career. Was it all because of this "ugly duckling" process that I endured? Maybe, but it sure as hell had a lot to do with it.

/r/AskWomen Thread