Women with Chronic Illnesses: please tell your experiences of living with chronic illness in a patriarchy

It took me forever to get diagnosed because my PCP that I had been at forever was convinced I was anorexic and i was afraid to be accused of doctor shopping for attention if I went to a different practice. In the years that I occasionally went to my PCP trying to get some answers, I'd get told I was just anxious, "have you tried taking Advil for your pain?", "maybe you need more fiber in your diet", even when I had lost literally half my body weight and was losing hair and teeth he'd talk to me like I was a silly hysterical woman who didn't think of the most obvious solution. The last time I went he gave me a referral for an eating disorder specialist and I realized he had probably thought I was starving myself from the start.

I ended up getting diagnosed because I developed sepsis while I was in a different city and taken to emergency there. Worst part is that my current medical team keeps telling me if I'd gone to someone who took me seriously from the start I wouldn't have nearly the complications I have now. :/

/r/GenderCritical Thread