Women with SO's: How often do you think about other people sexually past the "oh he/she is attractive" point?

Wow, the comments seem to be full of shame and justifications. It's only natural to be a sexual being, you can't turn that off from one moment to the other.

And the men? I can't even count how many times I've noticed the boyfriends of all kinds of friends looking or stare at my boobs. Boyfriends in healthy, happy long term relationships who are faithful. But that doesn't mean that they become blind and dead. I think it's only natural and nothing to be ashamed of. Sounds like a Sunday bible study group.

So the women who swear up and down that they would never have such "dirty, bad" thoughts... Doesn't mean that your SO is thinking the same. From my life experience, I'd guess it's the exact opposite.

/r/AskWomen Thread