Women with SOs that do not practice good hygiene: What did you do about it?

My stepfather was perfectly hygienic when he married my mother. Some years later, he started slipping. Now, he's disgusting. He has BO even after he gets out of the shower, his breath reeks because he doesn't brush his teeth (most of which have fallen out), his toenails are long, yellowed, crusty, and fungal. He's also a non-complaint diabetic.

The reality is that he's suffering from depression. My mother uses him as an ATM and he uses her as a housemaid/mother. They dislike each other immensely but they stay together because it's convenient.

As for how she deals with it? Well, she's given up trying to change him so instead, he has to sleep in the guest room. She won't let him in her bed and frankly, neither would I. He's gross and anyway, he's an awful piece of shit. It just took my mother a lot longer to notice than it took me. I knew he was a piece of shit from the age of 7 when he kicked me flat on my face.

/r/AskWomen Thread