Women that work in a company with a great culture, what makes it that way?

It encourages progressing in jobs - I know multiple people who have stories where on their first month in a new job, they were asked what they'd like to strive to do in their next job. Work/life balance is a big one; my mother and father were both really sick last year and I had a lot of obligations to take them to appointments/be away from my desk. Without question, my boss told me if I needed to, I could start working 4/10s as long as needed, because work would never be more important than my parents' health.

It's also more female than male by a large margin - 83% of our total employees, 40% of senior managers, and 75% of our board of directors are women. It's really nice to go from banking (HUGELY male) to this company and see meetings with 90% women in the room, go to huge town halls with the whole company and have only women speak is amazing. It still has a lot of improvements to make, but all in all it's a great workplace.

/r/AskWomen Thread