Won't be able to pick up pre-order?

The store you are trying to preorder at must be having some internal issues, because they are being abnormally harsh about this situation. That said, you should get your own card for several reasons - primarily to avoid issues with clashing information on trades, returns, and preorders. For example: some issues require us to call the PUR member, and being unable to contact you for those issues is more trouble than it's worth.

All that aside: There's an easier solution than that. What we do when we move preorders between stores is cancel the preorder at Store A, place the money on a gift card or trade card, and then read those numbers off to Store B over the phone, who places the new preorder with the money on the card.

You should be able to do this exactly as we do, with your friend giving you the information and you relaying it to us. But you should confirm that your store will allow you to use a gift card that isn't present (just call and ask). Worst case, have your friend go into a store and explain the situation, and have their store call your store to do the transfer. We only need a first and last name and phone number to place a preorder, so if your friend provides that, I don't see why they wouldn't do it. I can't see any way this would be rigging the system against someone, especially if your friend can provide ID for the money on the account.

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