"why won't my insomnia go away?" starter pack

These "why won't my ____ go away?" ones are getting obnoxious. Are we just going to pretend now that all health problems are self-induced, that no one is born with genetic defects, and that a healthy lifestyle fixed everything?

I exercise 4+ days a week, hard, eat a plant-based diet, sleep well, have a loving girlfriend and family, am reasonably successful, and have been through 2 years of regular therapy.

I still struggle with daily headaches, insomnia, clinical depression, and anxiety. A healthy lifestyle doesn't fix everything, so please quit propogating this attitude that it does. It certainly helps mitigate issues, but they don't magically go away once you start exercising and sleeping enough. If mental health issues were that trivially solved, the world wouldn't collectively have so many.

These type of memes just seem to be yet another self-righteous circlejerk of people who happen to be lucky enough to, for whatever reason, be more resilient to emotional/mental issues than others. Instead of recognizing that there's a degree of luck and circumstance involved, however, they want to attribute it 100% to personally controllable factors. This is a fundamentally broken and narrow view of mental health, and it doesn't make you look smart, superior, or edgey.

/r/starterpacks Thread Link - i.redd.it