I work at Google HQ - and my coworkers are lying to each other

I'm not a supporter of Trump, by any means. But this Google fiasco is a bunch of bullshit. There are many things I disagree with in the memo and others that make complete sense. There is truth to the observation that women, on average, are not as drawn to working as computer science engineers. The reason? I won't pretend to know. But, others are happy to pretend to know that it is discriminatory hiring practices, which on average is categorically false at companies such as Google. He makes a valid argument of widening the debate from a strictly moral argument to one based on objective observation of average social norms and average biological predisposition. He lays his points out well and supports his points with references. And he gets labeled a sexist, that's bullshit of the highest degree. Anyone who has been in a BSCSE program knows that the student population is predominantly male (70-80%), so just by raw data and probability, you will never have a 50-50 split.

Beatings will continue until morale improves.

/r/The_Donald Thread