Work is making me suicidal

I have a boss who takes pleasure in humiliating, degrading and backstabbing anyone who challenges his leadership style. He's mob-bullied several employees and turned on ME a couple of years ago when I balked at partaking in the bullying.... I then became his No. 1 target. lol. try to be a decent person and am attacked for it. story of my life.

His bullying has definitely contributed to me losing hope and wanting to die.

Work-to-live isn't a way to live. Working for assholes who actively make employee's lives worse seems to be par for the course, almost every company I've worked for in Montreal is like this: toxic as fuck. Making people miserable is part of the job apparently.

Solutions? I don't have any. Suicide seems to be the only answer.

I don't have a wife/partner, though. Lost interest in sex/romance years ago. What's the point of being intimate with men who don't care if you're dead or alive unless you're having sex with them? Take away the sex and suddenly they don't give a fuck about me. Funny how that works. Anyway. Venting.

Have you spoken to your wife about any of this?

/r/SanctionedSuicide Thread