Workers of reddit, what is the "inside joke" of your workplace/industry?

it's double, since only applies in Spanish and specifically Costa Rica

there's this corporate moto concerning privacy and security: keep it inside

that can roughly translates to Spanish to «mantengala adentro»

in Costa Rica there's this sayin' that goes «téngala adentro», used to say someone to wait or to calm down about something they want/wanna do.

téngala : tenga :: hold it : hold, but also be keep

téngala because we say it referring a dick/dildo or related, like «bro, hold that dick in»

since it's a corporate moto, we used it freely without repercussions to anybody and I think it os beautiful

tl;dr: English corporate moto fits perfectly as a dirty Costa Rican sayin' that means roughly hold that dick inside; keep it inside : téngala adentro

/r/AskReddit Thread