Working class tales

I literally wasnt saying anything about race. Its completely irrelevant. The idea is that foreigners and other races (what ever that means) should come here and be given the the same amount of individual liberty. Pray to whatever god they want and practice their customs. The US has worked very well as a racial and ethnically diverse place. Far more diverse than most European countries. We not only were/are more diverse but we also managed to simultaneously have a higher median income and GDP per capita despite being a very "new" country.

The poor/race argument is weird. I feel like you just got ultra defensive and brought up race and poverty for no reason.

Again, I'm sure the Netherlands (I used to live there so i know) functions very well. The US just has a different culture.

Even if you proved legislating PTO was a net positive I would still be against it. As it is none of my business to tell someone else what they can and cannot do as long as it upholds individual liberty.

Nothing to do with race or poverty. These liberties should be extended to everyone equally

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