Working/middle class people who dislike socialism. Why?

Billionaires are more of a drain on the economy than unemployed people, but conservatives decide to say that the people living on food stamps are the problem. Jeff Bezos is worth $110 billion. He has more money than he could spend in his entire lifetime. He could treat his workers fairly and pay his taxes, while still having more than enough money for himself. Donald Trump doesn't tax the people with more than enough money, instead he cuts funding to food stamps. Oh well, I guess those leeches can just go and starve, right? Just get a job, right? It's not that hard. It's not like any of them have debilitating mental health problems that could make employment nearly impossible, right? Free university could even pay for itself a bit through creating more high paying, high taxed job, meaning more money going into the system. But why should we make those poor Billionaires sacrifice their 4th yacht in favour of helping the poor? They really needed that yacht :(. And it's not like poor people really need those food stamps, am I right? Wanting to not get into debt because you got cancer or decided to seek higher education is so entitled, am I right? God, you're an idiot. Saying that the poor people are draining the economy more than the rich is ignorant as fuck. I can't believe you defend the abusers, while trying to say the victims are the problem. Defending the people who abuse and exploit their workers to increase an already excessive income, while attacking the people who get food stamps because their debilitating illness prevents them from working is what you're doing, and it's one of the highest forms of evil. But I guess I'm the problem for our economy. How dare I get £800 a month for having severe depression, anxiety and OCD that stops me from being capable of working. I'm such a leech, I'm such a snowflake, aren't I? Because people who get government assistance because of their inability to work are such leeches, aren't they? Like, just get over it and pull yourself up by your bootstraps, am I right? I'm definitely more of a r drain on the economy, not that Billionaire who receives massive tax cuts. Shut the fuck up and drop dead, you Chernobyl danger zone resident, you fucking 47 chromosome, quarter-witted, bottom feeder, cretin. Go play Russian Roulette with six bullets, you pathetic, pea-brained, petulent, pompous, prick. Conservative scum. I would say people like you should be lobotomised. But I'm pretty sure you already have been, you neanderthalish troglodyte.

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