Working in retail, you should know this

What a low expectation to have. While I understand it, I hold expectations of people higher. I expect them to treat me with some respect. And it's not something you should just deal with. People should be kind and respectful.

I agree, they should. But I don't live my life expecting others to live up to my expectations. I act in a manner I believe appropriate and other people will act how they act. I treat them with whatever respect I feel they have earned, and I don't waste my time with people I don't respect. Customers are allowed to be rude -- sometimes people just are having a bad day. Customers are not allowed to act inappropriately. They get warned and then kicked out if they do that.

If you think my world view is inappropriate, that's fine, you're perfectly allowed to feel that way. It allows me significantly more happiness than the upset of expecting other people to act in a manner they will not. You seem to think my world view is bleak. I do not see it that way. I simply have no expectations until I interact with people. I know some people will be kind and some will not. I don't go in expecting anything, I simply let them be themselves. Most of the time I find I am interacting with a happy decent person. Sometimes I don't. I act accordingly.

A lot of people simply do not have the luxury of finding another job. And while you can learn to not let things bother you significantly, they can still hurt for a short while. You can control a large part of how you experience life, yes, but not every aspect of it. People can go out of there way to ruin it and not everyone has such amazing self control.

My whole point is that it is a profound waste of energy to be angry at things outside your control. Focus on what you can control and learning to control things you thought you could not. Being upset at things you can't control is not a productive means of fixing the situation.

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