Working has ruined programming for me.

I've found that some places work is just work. Others I feel like I'm doing my hobby and getting paid (mostly startups).

So my resume looks kinda spotty since I've quit a bunch of large fortune 100 type places and done startups over the years (like 10 jobs in 20 years). Last year I was at a startup that failed, but we did make what I thought was an interesting app, I worked for an old boss, got paid not so great for it, but enjoyed it then left as the company ran out of money for my current boring corporate gig. I've at least found this keeps the field interesting for me, but I suppose financially working at these earlier startups hasn't panned out as well as like some big tech job.

Just switch jobs. I had friends who left the field, because they worked at boring defense contractors. Theres a huge difference in how fun different jobs can be.

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