Workplace democracy, equity, and investment allocation. What stops a worker-owned business from being parasitized by the workers?

If they vote to not invest anything back into the business, it will die and they'll be out of work. They also won't be able to benefit from its services. I don't assume any rational person would willingly do this. Look at private companies. Why doesn't the owner withdraw all the finds and leave it to die? Because he wants it to keep going, and keep giving him money. Workers would be the same, just they wouldn't sacrifice themselves for profit.

Personally, I would prefer a system in which businesses belong to a trade union which keeps them in line. Those unions would themselves be members of a greater union in order to ensure the entire economy is in working order. It would damage the democratic institutions of the business itself, but in its place inject a greater democratic institution.

/r/CapitalismVSocialism Thread