The World Divided into 20 Regions of Approximately Equal Population [1425x621] [OC]

A few years back I created one of my first maps to share with the r/MapPorn community. It was around the time that the world population hit seven billion, so I was inspired to divide the world into seven regions of one billion each. That map was pretty popular, and I've seen it reposted countless times on Reddit and other sites. It's a simple map, and it wasn't much to look at, but people seemed to like it. It actually inspired me to go back to school and pursue a career in GIS.

Fast forward to 2018 and the world population has reached 7.6 billion. I felt like creating something a little more ambitious, so here is the world divided into 20 regions of roughly equal population (as close as I could get). Each region is home to approximately 380 million human beings, give or take a few dozen million. I attempted to create regions that are both compact and have some sort of cultural or geographic logic to them. Obviously there are countless variations on dividing up the world, and I look forward to some nitpicking. But, this is the best I could do, and I think it's a pretty fair attempt.

To answer some questions that I anticipate: Yes, Northern America and Northwest Europe constitute one region. Yes, the United States, Russia, India and China are divided; there would be no other way to create such a map. And, yes, the Philippine island of Mindanao has been seperated from the rest of the country and grouped with Oceania and Southern Malaya.

I've learned my lesson about giving names to large cultural regions -- you're bound to offend a lot of people. (Don't ever refer to Northern America as "Anglo-America," kids. Yeesh!) So, below are the generic, hopefully unoffensive names that I used for the regions. I hope that you enjoy this map, and I would love any feedback. Thanks, r/MapPorn!

  • Northern America & Northwestern Europe
  • Middle Americas
  • Southern America
  • Western & Central Europe
  • Eastern Europe & Eurasia
  • Northern Africa
  • Western Africa
  • Central & Southern Africa
  • Eastern Mediterranean & Arabia
  • South Central Asia
  • Northern India
  • Western India
  • Southern India
  • Western Indochina & Bengal
  • Eastern Indochina & South China Sea
  • Northeastern Asia
  • Western China
  • Northern China
  • Southern China
  • Oceania & Southern Malaya
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