A world without gender would be so much better

Never try to change somebody’s mind, only try to progress your own understanding??

You know, some people just say things because it makes them sound intelligent or progressive. But if you’re gonna test out a definitive hypothesis like that, you really should try applying to real world situations outside of trying to sound smart.

If I meet a racist, I’m gonna try change their mind not accept and understand

If I meet misogynist, I’m gonna try change their mind. Not accept and understand

If I meet a facist, I’m gonna try change their mind. Not accept and understand

The list is exhaustingly endless.

I think what you were actually saying was, don’t try and challenge me, I’m holding the moral and ideological high ground here. That kind of thinking is dangerous and quite frankly the opposite of what you supposedly represent. And this, in a nutshell is why woke culture is destructive and oppressive to our society. Current ideological dogma cannot be challenged without the challenger being cancelled, branded a racist or transphobic.

Even the far right are constantly inviting people to challenge them on their ideas and philosophies in order to change their mind.

In short, you alway be open to new ideas. You should be open to someone changing your mind. And at the same time you should never just “accept and understand” opinions and philosophies you disagree with. I’m spite of how good it sounds on a message board. Would you come from a “place of understanding”with someone who thought trans people should be forced into conversion therapy.

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