The worlds about to change... And it’s about damn time. Neon link

The amusing thing is... and this is from someone rather neutral... most of this is clearly woo-woo nonsense, and that's why people fall for it. The same thing happens to the left - think Identity Politics & "social constructionism," where all the evils in the world are because of society/socialization, and if only they convert enough people, if only they get in control... all of that will be solved.

But, their ideology has been developed for about ~100 years now. Source:

This however is recent. And it's different, obviously. It also requires no activism, just belief.

And don't take this the wrong way - anyone, really - but it's embarrassing. Especially as someone considered the right somewhat sane. Are people really this gullible and susceptible to manipulation? It honestly feels surreal.

I know. Not the best way to go about convincing people by attacking their beliefs. But holy crap, it's disappointing. If this is how most of humanity can be manipulated, then I have no hope for humanity left lol.

Also, since I'm here... I strongly suggest giving this a read:

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