World's oldest bongs discovered in Russia, used by Iranian kings 2,400 years ago

I was just lucky to have an american mom and learn english so I could find truth for myself thru the internet instead of ppl telling me what's what...I grew up in iran with very religious relatives and I heard about atheism thru my older brother at around 11 (I never really cared about religion anyway) so I read about it and decided yup that's 'bout right(I remember when I was 12 ish my seyyed aunt taking me and her daughter to a park and she brought up religion, as usual, and asked something like what do u believe in then and I said ma khodaye khodemunim, we're our own gods, kinda like god is within us >D) 12-17 I wasn't really into anything major except brother had moved away to the US and again by luck, I saw a post on fb that one of his friends is having an art show for his paintings and I attended with my friend and we exchanged numbers and he said he has a small art class and would be very happy if I came (I was studying art) he was so 'enlightened' too...he interpreted some hafez once that he learns from his aunt who's a pro at it and told me the hidden meanings behind it, that hafez had grown up in such religious circumstances and when he got older he started to see the truth, like what's happening to ppl today, he was sooo good with words I mean he basically cusses mullahs out in some poems (sorry not very relevant but I still think about how sick it is) after a few classes we went to his friends house full of musicians and artists and we watched a video compilation of great UFO sightings and an episode of ancient aliens amg that night basically awakened me...the next day I started reading up about UFOs and that lead me to the Illuminati and conspiracy theories and not shortly after I think a video by spirit science called hidden human history got me into spiritual stuff...since then I've been a very committed spiritual new age hippy w/e u wanna call it lol sooo ya...that's my 'awakening' story sorry so long :>

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