Worldviews of Real Tesla participants

I appreciate your comment, but I have to take issue with your complaints about climate change.

Think about this. Thousands of scientific studies going back to the 60s and 70s have been validated today based on experimental evidence: the planet has warmed by about one kelvin in the past 50-100 years. Climate science today is predicated on making accurate predictions and backtests, hardly different from computerized efforts to corner the stock market.

The sun's output has been pretty flat over the past million years, even though we've had solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Ignorance about solar activity isn't an excuse for blaming climate change on the whims of some sun-god. Geophysics is hard, but it's not that complicated to understand.

Mainstream politicians/actors/billionaires are all the same. Greta Thunberg is a puppet - yes, a highly motivated one, but a puppet. People like this don't care about efficiency and believe that they're doing good even if they have to pollute to share their opinions - you're free to judge them on that. But compare these people to real environmentalists like Stewart Brand, Freeman Dyson, etc. and the difference becomes quite obvious. The solution to climate change is a government-level problem, and some have used that as a lever to increase their share of political power, but that doesn't mean government will ever address it properly or that private industry is impotent against the problem.

As for things that haven't come to pass - please find me a real scientific publication where the "end of snow" was predicted for 2000. That sounds like something you'd hear after Fox played a game of Telephone with Al Gore's bullshit. Exxon-funded research from almost fifty years ago [2] has accurately predicted the only substantial result -- warming -- and modern research has basically only refined those predictions to elaborate on the local, small-scale side effects like desertification and more erratic weather.


Casting aspersions on climate science because of a feeling that "CO2 is a trace gas critical to human life" is just ignorant. It's no more reasoned than listening to Musk when he claims that he can terraform Mars with nukes despite the most educated scientists [1] showing there isn't enough gas stock on and in the entire planet to make even 10% of Earth's atmospheric pressure.

Plugging your ears and yelling "I can't hear you!" to people who have spent decades studying complex systems... cringe. I hate academia as much as anyone, but climate change denialism is just Boomer idiocy.

[0] "A year later he warned Exxon that doubling CO2 gases in the atmosphere would increase average global temperatures by two or three degrees—a number that is consistent with the scientific consensus today". And consistent with the current rate of warming, currently at about 1 degree since 1950.


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