Worried I'm relying on a crutch weapon, would like some counsel.

nope, it's totally fine, it's probably got waaaay more to do with you being comfortable with a weapon you've used a lot

also you could more say that the curved greatsword and ultra greatsword classes in general are OP, because they literally do way more dmg per hit than most other classes

I mean you hit someone with a UGS R1, then another one that they can't escape, and that's 700-1000 dmg right there, and anyone can use a UGS if they want, you can get one (zweihander) in the high wall, it's not like some grand secret

when I think of ruining the pvp experience, all I really think of is the dark bead twinks in DS1, anything else is pretty much fine, for me, knowing I will get invaded at some point is not only fun, it's the dark souls experience

/r/darksouls3 Thread