Worrying trend in voting on r/gendercritical

  1. Yeah, I just realized replying to another poster than my perception of this issue is skewed by the fact that I look at posts by order of "new" and so I likely see the initial down voted ratios.
  2. The "born this way" argument had its historical place, but yeah, I also would love to explore a more nuanced take.
  3. Hahaha, as a straight woman, I must confess that it's an attractive idea, especially when the prospects of finding a male partner who doesn't hate your sex seems so bleak. Celibacy as you said is another. Definitely a discussion worth having.
  4. Agreed.
  5. I never realized being banned was a possibility - it's not like we hate individuals who participate in transgenderism, just disagree with them. My concern was not that people were upvoting trans-related posts, but that they were downviting other stuff. I realized that concern might have been out of proportion because of point (1) above
  6. Sorry, not sure what you mean by this - are you saying that posters on our sub go to other subs to call us hateful? And then return here? I'm unfamiliar with that phenomenon, but if it is happening, that sucks.
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