The worst champion in league right now

Either the champ has sustain, or damage reduction or resistance bonuses, every jungler has either one, she has none

Mundo has no cost on his W (ok health, which he has a passive to help him regen it, and gains tenacity)
Amumu takes catalyst and he legit has no mana problems

Yes, she needs to be 6 to gank, and even when, her ult doesn't displace like it should, sometimes it pushes people outside of her ult, she legit is the only one who can't gank pre 6 effectively

Morde is not a jungler, Mundo has his cleaver to slow and stick to people plus his tenacity and mr on W

Oh yeah, Vi or hecarim totally rely on snowball, they don't just farm to get triforce and cinderhulk (or wariror) and oneshot the first person they press thier combo on

Hecarim still has cc on his ut, while shyv's is completly bugged and pushes people outside of it sometimes

Yes she does less damage, and if she engages she gets cc chained and oneshot or perma kited, while your team tries to follow only to get oneshot by the first Darius or Irelia who presses R

She does mixed damage, sure which is the only thing that doesn't make her the biggest garbage, and sorry but, tabi + a little bit of mr and you legit don't deal any damage anymore

Like I said she is not supposed to be only a jungler but also a toplaner, her clear is not much faster then skarner, and morde has health costs but regens 3 times the amout with one spell

She isn't considered a toplaner because she can't be played there, because every other toplaner has more broken spells and can lane better, she was supposed to be a good duellist and tank destroyer, now everyone takes conq and has true damage, and she is just completly useless compared to a jax

See, Ashe is weak too, not saying she should able to 1v1 Irelia 24/7, but she should at least be able to play, and not get blown up by a R + Q + Q combo

If you call a 7 sec 50% movespeed increase mobility then i'm sorry for you, and she has a double AA reset, yes like Renelton, who also get bonu range during it, she doesn't, and her on hit damage can be countered by one mr item

Okay let's imagine she has good base stats, she stil scales like garbage, since she doesn't get anything, camille gets attack speed, jax too, darius get bonus ad and heal, renekton too, she gets a bit of magic damage which again gets contered by one mr item also darius has movespeed with his passive (and phage) and morde to when he mark a minon to run to it

Everyone else has higher ratios or takes armor or magic shred items, and her E doesn't scale it's 2.5% at every stage even amumu can scale if he takes a bit of ap

Good we agree on something

Renekton has the same, with a 50 range increase, and 25 increase if he ults

I'm not saying that, jax and camille have the same range as shyv, but they get bonus range on their auto reset, she doesn't

She gets the same range shen she ult at lvl 16 as an irelia lvl 1 or a darius with an auto reset....

They don't play like mine, but have the same objective, being tanky and doing damage, while sticking to people, which shyvana can't do any of it

Nice, another good point on her to change

She was suppoed to work top, that's all i'm gonna say

Sorry but no, she deals no damage, and can't duel most of the junglers, has no range to get onto anyone, and even diana, can pull them back onto her and slow them

Her lvl 6 gank is bad, the second they you fly in, they run away, and then what ? Nothing, you just get kited

I know i'm not in a good position to say what to change on her, i'm just pointing out what other champions do like her, but better, to maybe adjust her on he same level, and it's not out of frustration that I do this, it's because i'm sad, this champ is cool, yet is useless in comparison to others, I know there's a meta for everything, but she was almost never in the meta, and if she was it was only for a week or so

And for the last thing, i'm just saying that if shyv misses her E she does no damage, while a darius or irelia or even warwick can just right click you down

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