Worst idea ever

Nice strawman, maybe try submitting it to Tumblr.

The argument that's being made is that accidental deaths in the US by gun (relatives shooting each others by accident and kids playing with a badly hidden gun) are more numerous than ALL deaths by gun in any other country where guns are controlled (including criminals shooting each others, suicides and cops killing criminals).

Also, the US are the only country in the first world that has to deal with two major issues : school shootings and cops killing civilians. Both those issues are directly related to the gun laws. Angsty kids can easily get their hands on guns - rather than sucking it up and eventually growing out of it - and shoot up the school. As all civilians may be wearing a gun, all cops are weary they may be killed at any second (very similar to the Israelian cops killing Palestinian people, except Arabs don't have guns but only knives), so they are very trigger happy and developed a cop culture that's very similar to the army's, with the civilians as the enemy that may shoot you at any second. In countries where guns are restricted, cops almost never shoot unless they're shot at first, rather than shooting fleeing unarmed people/innocents who put their hand in their pocket to grab their ID. The idea to remove guns is inherently linked to a higher confidence in police forces - and it's also not opposed to the idea of making cops responsible for their own actions, notably by having them wear body cameras to either prove their innocence or guilt depending on the situation. This solution also protects cops against civilians who want to falsely accuse them.

There's also the fact numerous studies proved that fewer guns do not cause higher deaths by knives/other weapons, as guns are a unique kind of weapon allowing unskilled people to kill great number of people before they can be stopped, while even a skilled fighter can hardly kill more than one person with a knife. So yeah. I mean, I know you'll ignore those points as you probably did for years, call me a crazy leftist and go back to your narrow-minded worldview where people who disagree with you are stupid and don't make sense. So... yeah.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com