The worst part of playing against Smurfs is getting reported by your Teammates for losing the lane

I play mostly mid or safe and I'm around 4300 (Was 3500 3 weeks ago so climbing) and one thing I don't understand is how people manage to play mid and feed so much.

Like losing mid fair enough, I can understand, but what I really don't understand is how when I play pos1 I regularly get mid people in my team who feed fb at 2 minutes or people who are 0-5 at ~10 minutes.

Even when I play really bad matchups and/or against smurfs the worst I do is like 0-2 or so in laning phase and if I know I'm going to start getting dived I call for help or go farm jungle/help other lanes.

I get the feeling people try to play mid far to aggressively for their matchup or they just play super out of position. I'm finding even with a bad matchup I can force a draw or slight loss on mid lane just by playing safely. Enemy smurf or not there is no excuse for dying 1v1 mid in the first 5 minutes of the game.

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