Is it worth having a boyfriend who doesn’t do “boyfriend things”?

Read your post. Seriously. It sounds like you have a fantasy that you've built up and are crying because your actual guy isn't doing all the things you'd list if a teenage girl was asked what a boyfriend living up to her movie expectations had to be conjured.

Yeah, he's somewhat emotionally distant. Many people are, for a variety of reasons. Thing is, nowhere am I seeing you mention clearly communicating your "expectations" to him. And the stuff you list is infinitely more superficial than what I'd consider the deeper aspects of a relationship -- not that I doubt that you're not missing out on that, it's just that your priorities aren't those typical to mature 30 year old's who've dated before. It's like you're crying more over a missing Instagram album than a real partner.

So yeah, go your separate ways. But don't assume that that's the only fix you guys need.

/r/relationship_advice Thread