Worth it or no?

I’m 30, my last relationship lasted for half my living life. Do the math. I’m learning a lot. I never thought in dating people we so inconsiderate. Maybe I didn’t portray myself in the best light here. However, if you go back and read people were negatively coming for me. Which is fine. But people need to realize that everyone handles things differently. I wasn’t seeking validation or permission for anything. I simply was seeking advice ( some people need to look up the definitions of permission, validation and advice). Also, I do respect that he has the right to autonomy, of course! What I didn’t like was his behavior. I’ve always been really honest with everyone I met since I’ve started dating, so I guess I don’t understand why others can be. But then again, we’re all different. I’m not high strung at all, but I’ll admit I did feel attacked by some people on this post, then they just kept coming. It’s okay. I know it’s cool to join a pack, and bring someone down then they’re already down- I just don’t behave like that. I’m also not one to flaunt, and care very little about my successes but again, I felt attacked haha. Whatever. I’m over it and I learning that I care way too much about people when I first meet them even, being an empath SUCKS, but I’m working through it in therapy.

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